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矢部奈桜子 “ Prospect ”

Yabe Naoko “ Prospect ”


2024, 10. 5 ( Sat. ) ー 26 ( Sat. )



GALLERY ZEROでは、2024年10月5日土曜日より26日土曜日までの3週間の日程で、矢部奈桜子の個展 “ Prospect ” を開催致します。当画廊としましては16年ぶりの新作個展となります。


矢部奈桜子は1978年大阪生まれ。2001年京都造形芸術大学(現 京都芸術大学)洋画コース卒業。


矢部奈桜子から新作画像が届いた時、かつてと変わらぬ微細な図柄に心ワクワクした次第です。本人は暫く制作から離れていた故に悪戦苦闘していた様なのですが、画面全体に満ちる緻密な描写と繊細な彩色には、画像ではあれ16年という時が過ぎたことを感じさせない充実感が見て取れます。矢部の絵画のモチーフは、当初は壁面や流水の表面のごく一部でしたが、やがて木の、樹皮の表面の非常に小さな部分を彼女なりに拡大して描くようになりました。それが新作では苔類へと変化したのかもしれませんが、昔の作品同様に曲線を多用した複雑な形態の集積したものとなっています。画面の隅々までピントの合った緻密な画面は、スーパーリアリズムと言っても過言では無いのですが、その手の絵画によくあるおどろおどろしさは無く、極めてクールな表面をしています。私たちの目は矢部の絵画の表面を、その細部を凝視しながら視線を移動させ、描かれた形態と色彩の魅力を味わうことができます。私たちが彼女の絵画から得る視覚の情報量は多く、それはビックデータを解析する作業に似ているのではないでしょうか。矢部が注ぐ視線の先には、植物や物質に対する観察と凝視があり、そのことから得られた情報を矢部はキャンバスに彼女なりの調整を加えて再構成していくのだと思います。その図像は実像をこえ、雄大な風景画の如き様相を見せています。矢部の絵画とは、スーパーリアリズム ( 凝視 ) と象徴主義 ( 風景・俯瞰 ) が共生するものなのでしょう。観る事は想像すること、矢部の絵画が教えてくれるのはそんなシンプルな事なのかもしれません。


“ prospect ” の意味としては、眺め・眺望とともに期待・見通しという意味もございます。また動詞になれば試掘する、見込みがあるという意味にもなります。この度の個展に寄せる矢部の意気込みが皆様にご理解いただけると思います。今回の新作展 “ Prospect ” は、矢部奈桜子の再出発に相応しいものと言えるでしょう。ぜひご期待ください。よろしくお願い致します。



GALLERY ZERO is pleased to present "Prospect," a solo exhibition by Naoko Yabe from Saturday, October 5 to Saturday, October 26, 2024. This will be the first solo exhibition of new works by the gallery in 16 years at our gallery.


Naoko Yabe was born in 1978 in Osaka, Japan, and graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design (now Kyoto University of Art) in 2001 with a degree in Western painting.

In 2003, she received her MFA from Kyoto City University of Arts. After her solo exhibition at our gallery in 2008, she got married, moved to the U.S., had a baby, and raised her children, and has been away from art for a long time.

When we received the new images from Naoko Yabe, we were thrilled to see the same fine patterns as in the past. Although she had been away from painting for a while and struggled with her art, the detailed depiction and delicate colors that fill the entire image show a sense of fulfillment that makes one feel as if no time has passed in the past 16 years. Yabe's motifs in her paintings started out as small portions of the surface of walls and running water, but she eventually began to enlarge very small portions of the surface of trees and bark in her own way. In her new works, the motif may have changed to mosses, but like her older works, it is an accumulation of intricate forms with many curves. The detailed and precise images, in which every inch of the painting is in focus, could be described as super-realism, but they have an extremely cool surface without the frightening atmosphere often associated with that type of painting. Our eyes move across the surface of Yabe's paintings, staring at the details and savoring the fascination of the forms and colors depicted. The amount of visual information we get from her paintings is so much that it may resemble the process of analyzing big data. Yabe's gaze is focused on the plants and materials she observes and gazes at, and the information she gains from these observations is reconstructed on the canvas with her own adjustments. The resulting image is more than a real image; it is a magnificent landscape painting. Yabe's paintings may be a symbiosis of super-realism (staring) and symbolism (landscape, bird's-eye view). To see is to imagine, and Yabe's paintings may teach us such a simple lesson.


This exhibition of new works, “Prospect,” will be a fitting fresh start for Naoko Yabe. Please look forward to it. We look forward to your visit.












   In the Google map, a sign is displayed on the north side of the

   building, but the entrance is only in the south of the building.









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